

Automatic for the People

Automatic for the People

Automatic for the People 1024 576 Audio Modeling

There are times when making music that two hands and two feet simply aren’t enough. A guitarist has both hands on the fretboard, one foot on the pedalboard, and the…

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camelot infografica audio

The Ins and Outs of Camelot

The Ins and Outs of Camelot 1024 683 Audio Modeling

A favorite riff in very old slapstick comedy movies was a chase scene that took place looking down a long hall lined with doors on either side. Characters would come…

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MIDI Talk, Season 2, Episode 2: Andrew Dugros

MIDI Talk, Season 2, Episode 2: Andrew Dugros 1024 576 Audio Modeling

MIDI Talk, Season 2, Episode 2: Andrew Dugros Andrew Dugros is a native-born Italian, but it would not be inaccurate to say that his first language is music. Having been…

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The Biology of Camelot

The Biology of Camelot 1024 576 Audio Modeling

Camelot is like a complex animal with multiple subsystems that all contribute to making up one amazing organism. Oh, sure, you skipped out on biology in school; we all did.…

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Omri’s Touring Rig: SWAM, Camelot, and Lots of Talent!

Omri’s Touring Rig: SWAM, Camelot, and Lots of Talent! 1024 576 Audio Modeling

A few months back, we spoke with saxophonist/EWI player Omri Abramov for Audio Modeling’s “MIDI Talk” video podcast series. Recently, we caught up with Omri again as he passed through…

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