

Bruce Miller: an incredible journey through music in various media 1000 667 Audio Modeling

Bruce Miller: an incredible journey through music in various media

Detroit-native Bruce Miller is considered one of the most talented composers, arrangers and conductors of modern times. Starting his career on the local jazz and R&B scene as a guitarist…

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Rohan De Livera
Rohan De Livera 1024 576 Audio Modeling

Rohan De Livera

rohandelivera.com Twitter Rohan De Livera YouTube Rohan De Livera Rohan De Livera Composer Rohan De Livera is an award winning composer for Media and Concert based in the UK.  He…

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Gerald Peter
Gerald Peter 1024 576 Audio Modeling

Gerald Peter

http://www.geraldpetermusic.com Facebook Gerald Peter YouTube Gerald Peter Gerald Peter Keyboardist, Composer, Producer GERALD PETER was born in Vienna, Austria in 1986, and is a passionate keyboardist, seaboard player, producer, composer…

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Manuele Montesanti
Manuele Montesanti 1024 576 Audio Modeling

Manuele Montesanti

www.manuelemontesanti.com Twitter Manuele Montesanti Facebook Manuele Montesanti YouTube Manuele Montesanti MANUELE MONTESANTI aka “DRIFT-LAB” Producer, Pianist/Keyboard Player, Sound Designer. Manuele Montesanti is a pianist/keyboardist and sound designer. He had classical…

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Dino Soldo
Dino Soldo 1024 576 Audio Modeling

Dino Soldo

https://www.dinosoldo.net/ Dino Soldo Multi-instrumentalist, songwriter Have you ever wondered what an “Utility” musician and songwriter is? The answer is: Dino Soldo. The Los Angeles-native talent, well-known as a musician and…

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Bruce Miller
Bruce Miller 1024 576 Audio Modeling

Bruce Miller

http://brucemillermusic.com Bruce Miller Composer, Arranger, Conductor Bruce Miller is a native of Detroit, MI, where he cut his teeth on the local jazz and R&B scene as a guitarist and…

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