SWAM Brass tutorials: how to recreate a classical trumpet soundhttps://ddxtdgl0hmt0l.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/swam-brass-baroque-1024x576.jpg1024576Audio ModelingAudio Modeling//ddxtdgl0hmt0l.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/AM-logo-light.png
In this new video tutorial focusing on SWAM Brass, Simone from Audio Modeling guides you through the recreation of a classical trumpet sound with the most technologically advanced virtual modeled…
The fifth video tutorial about SWAM Brass focuses on MIDI mapping. Audio Modeling has put its best effort to provide every performer and musician the best experience in terms of…
In the fourth video tutorial dedicated to SWAM Brass, is focused on Mutes. In SWAM Solo Brass, they are modeled: that means that you will not select one or two…
The third video tutorial about SWAM Brass is a quick but interesting review of the sound parameters that are an integral part of the most advanced virtual modeled instrument on…
SWAM Brass tutorials: product overview and User Experiencehttps://ddxtdgl0hmt0l.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/swam-brass-overview-ui-1024x576.png1024576Audio ModelingAudio Modeling//ddxtdgl0hmt0l.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/AM-logo-light.png
In the second video tutorial dedicated to SWAM Brass, Simone will help you find out more about the product and the importance that Audio Modeling has given to the User…
The first video from our latest SWAM Solo Brass playlist introduces you to the concept behind the creation of the most technologically virtual instruments on the market. Simone from Audio…
SWAM Double Reeds virtual instrument in actionhttps://ddxtdgl0hmt0l.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Double-Reeds-v3-1080x1080-1-1024x1024.png10241024Audio ModelingAudio Modeling//ddxtdgl0hmt0l.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/AM-logo-light.png
What can SWAM Double Reeds do once put to the test? Pretty much adapting to every single variable and nuance of a musical interpretation. Take a look at the video…
An expressive intro with so many variations and nuances that will leave you speechless introduces you to SWAM Double Bass: Stefano Lucato, musician and CEO at Audio Modeling, once again…
SWAM Violin in action with Stefano Lucato and Doctor Mix!https://ddxtdgl0hmt0l.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/violin_800x800.jpg800800Audio ModelingAudio Modeling//ddxtdgl0hmt0l.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/AM-logo-light.png
What is the potential of SWAM Violin? Virtually endless and flexible to the musician’s personal interpretation, talent, style and sensibility. In less than two minutes, Stefano Lucato (musician and CEO…
SWAM Cello: so much more than a virtual instrument!https://ddxtdgl0hmt0l.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/cello_800x800.jpg800800Audio ModelingAudio Modeling//ddxtdgl0hmt0l.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/AM-logo-light.png
Internationally renowned pianist, music producer and digital entrepreneur Claudio Passavanti (Doctor Mix) and professional musician, musical producer, developer, programmer and CEO at Audio Modeling, Stefano Lucato, are happy to show…