
SWAM Double Bass virtual instrument test

SWAM Double Bass virtual instrument test

SWAM Double Bass virtual instrument test 800 800 Audio Modeling

An expressive intro with so many variations and nuances that will leave you speechless introduces you to SWAM Double Bass: Stefano Lucato, musician and CEO at Audio Modeling, once again teams up with digital entrepreneur and pianist Doctor Mix to show you the virtually endless potential of the most evolved virtual instruments on the market.

The SWAM technology allows you to play pretty much any instrument you want simply via a keyboard and a pedal. Everything else is nothing but musical interpretation, as SWAM follows and adapts to the peculiarities of your style, delivering a unique auditory result every time.

And that’s not even the half of it: just by assigning the proper feature to the aftertouch, SWAM allows the musician to also play harmonics.

We are just scratching the surface: many expressive sound parameters can be assigned and controlled in real time: in this case the harmonics can be played by the keyboard aftertouch.

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