
How to perform Live with Backing Tracks!

How to perform Live with Backing Tracks!

How to perform Live with Backing Tracks! 1024 576 Audio Modeling

On October 28 we organized the first Live Webinar focused on Camelot 2.0. 

Gerald Peter illustrated his live performance setup with the newest Camelot 2.0. 

In this webinar, Gerald explains the reason why Camelot is a great software for keyboardists who have a lot of gear (like himself). 

“If you want to bring on stage the specific sound you have created in the studio, you usually need different kinds of gear.” 

Gerald, for example, has the Nord Stage, the Moog Sub37, the Korg Minilogue, the Roli Seaboard, and also he plays with many plugin Instruments and FX. 

“Camelot manages all these different components together so that you can create the sound you’re looking for also when you’re performing because usually, it’s very challenging to put all these different gear in a live setup and combine them smoothly when you’re performing in a show. Camelot offers this possibility and makes it really easy for the artist to perform.”

According to Gerald, other advantages of Camelot are that it is platform-independent: you can perform on a Mac but you can also perform on a Windows notebook which means it runs everywhere, even also on iOS, so you can actually go on stage with a keyboard and an iPad and run your favorite plugins from there.

As a result, Camelot also syncs in between its different devices so if you have two or three computers and you can easily sync your program and setlist in between these different computers.

Finally, to complete the big picture, Gerald mentioned that Camelot can manage sheet music attachments and annotations: “…That means when you load a certain Song in your Setlist the right sheet music shows up, so that’s really useful in case you don’t remember all the parts to play.”